Whether you have aging family members to take care of, are interested in rental income or simply want the additional space, an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is definitely something to consider. There are plenty of great benefits from housing loved ones to creating rental income. But, here are three important questions to ask before you build your ADU.

As a Custom home builder the team at Marrokal walks you through the entire process of building your ADU. If you’re looking for or you own land that you want to build your primary residence and ADU on, we can help you understand the things you need to consider before before you build.
ADUs generally will be used for one purpose and then may later be used for another. For instance, they might be used as a private residence for a family member, say a college student, and then later used for grandma or as a rental. So, give some thought as to how your ADU might be used differently over the decades to come.
1. What Type of ADU Should I Build?
Depending on where you live, there are several guidelines you should follow. Probably the most important one is your city or county’s zoning ordinance. For instance, some building codes might require a minimum lot size, or f you want an ADU that’s detached from the main structure.
2. Modifications for Elderly?
Many times ADUs are built to have elderly family members live in them. So, it’s important to think about the modifications that would make them more comfortable. Just like with a kitchen remodel, you might want lower cabinets, improved lighting, special guide lighting, wheelchair accessibility, electrical outlets and electrical switches positioned in easy-access spots.
3. Can My ADU Tap Into Existing Utility Lines?
Since ADUs are generally stand-alone buildings, yours will most likely require its own utility meters. However, some localities allow ADUs to tap into existing utility services on your property such as gas or water lines. View guidelines for ADUs in San Diego County.
An ADU can be a very beneficial addition to your property. Also, Junior ADUs can be added to some properties. They help increase the value of your home and, if a loan is needed, that can be offset by turning the ADU into a rental.
Marrokal Design & Remodeling is an award-winning remodeler offering remodeling services and custom homebuilding to clients all over San Diego, CA, as well as its surrounding areas. Call us at (619) 441-9300 to schedule your free consultation. You may also fill out our contact form to request a quick quote today. To learn more about ADUs register for a seat at our upcoming online seminar, “Everything You Need to Know About ADUs.”