For some homeowners, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a huge help when they’re in need of extra space or rental income. Unfortunately, some states can be strict when it comes to the rules of having ADUs on your property. Thankfully, California has taken great strides to make it easier to build an ADU and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU) on your property.
Here are the 8 things that you need to know about California’s ADU rule changes for 2020.

- It’s Easier to Legalize Unpermitted ADUs – One of the main changes to California’s ADU rules for 2020 is that you can now bring your unpermitted ADU up to code within five years.
- Shorter Approval Periods – Before the 2020 rule changes, the approval period for ADUs was 120 days. Now, cities in the state of California must provide ministerial approval or denial within 60 days of receiving the application.
- HOAs and CC&TRs – Thanks to the 2020 ADU rule changes, neither Homeowners Associations nor the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of properties can reasonably prohibit the development of ADUs or JADUs.
- More Parking Exceptions – Prior to 2020, if your home was located more than half a mile from public transit, ADUs were required to have one parking space per unit or bedroom. Starting 2020, however, you no longer need to include parking in your ADU house plans if they are created within an existing space in your home or an accessory structure, like the house or carport. Replacement parking is also no longer required for the main residence if the garage or carport is demolished or converted to build the ADU in California.
- You Can Now Add Two ADUs – Homeowners are also now allowed to add two ADUs on a single-family zoned property. According to the new guidelines, one must be a full ADU and the other a JADU, which can be created by converting a part of the existing residence. A JADU can not be larger than 500 square feet. Both the ADU and JADU may be rented but not sold separately from the primary residence.
- Reducing Setbacks – With the 2020 ADU rule changes, setbacks for ADUs have been reduced to 4’ for the side and rear yards.
- Impact Fees – In accordance with the 2020 ADU rule changes, cities in California can no longer charge impact fees for ADUs under 750 sq. ft. Impact fees for ADUs larger than 750 sq. ft., meanwhile, shall be proportional to the size of the ADU in relation to the primary dwelling.
- Remove and Replace a Garage to Retain Setbacks – On the other hand, if you have a garage that you want to convert but find it less costly to replace instead of repair, the 2020 rule changes permits you to remove it and replace it with a new ADU that matches its footprint to maintain the existing reduced setback.
Planning to add an ADU on your property? Marrokal Design & Remodeling can help guide you through the design-build process. We are your leading professionals when it comes to ADUs, room additions, custom homes, and aging in place services. Join us for an informative online seminar on ADUs. Register for Everything You Need To Know About ADUs.
Ready to get started? Call us at (619) 441-9300 or fill out our contact form to request a free consultation. We serve homeowners in San Diego, CA, and other nearby areas in the state of California.
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