People have been remodeling their kitchens since the dawn of time. When the first wood burning stoves were invented, people had to make room for not only the stove, but for the wood and any containers they needed for cooking. When viable agriculture and food storage were invented, people needed more cabinet space and storage containers to hold their food. In modern times, inventions like refrigerators, dishwashers and electric stove-tops have required the complete remodeling of kitchens and new concepts of how we design kitchens from the ground up.
The cutting edge of kitchen remodeling is seeing an upsurge in high tech integration. Many refrigerators have internet enabled devices and microwaves can detect the doneness of food through complicated sensors. When you’re getting a kitchen remodeled in current times, there isn’t a whole lot of difference in the types of appliances that were available decades ago, but the style and functioning of those appliances has changed a lot. Modern kitchens still use stoves, refrigerators and ovens, but the style and efficiency of those devices have changed.
Modern kitchen remodeling is less about adapting to revolutionary changes in the way we cook and more about making sure those methods are more functional and efficient. Energy conservation is a huge concern in our modern world, so a highly efficient kitchen with energy saving appliances is very important. People want a kitchen with a style that matches their energy efficiency. This involves the construction of certain counter-tops, counters, cabinetry and sinks that provide a sleek minimalist look that exudes functionality and efficiency. Take a look through our kitchen remodeling gallery to see how we’re accomplishing these styles day after day.