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Master Bedroom Remodels Are Popular With Big Families

It can be difficult for Mom and Dad to find some peace and quiet in a big family. With a number of kids running in and out of the house, nothing could be better than having a private serene oasis to escape to. A master bedroom with its own bath can be one of the best remodel ideas for a big family. Mom and Dad get their very own space to relax after a noisy hectic day.

The most common complaint in homes with a big family is having to share a bathroom. A one bathroom home can be extremely problematic. This is why when homeowners decide to do some remodeling they will typically add on a bathroom. A bathroom connected to the master bedroom will allow Mom and Dad to relax in the tub and soak away the day or get ready for work in the morning without having to fight with everyone for bathroom time.

Master bedrooms are becoming bigger. A bigger space allows for things like a reading room or television area. This means Mom and Dad really have a space to just get away in. Popular trends in master bedrooms mean more space for additional areas to relax and have some quiet time. This added space adds great value to any home.

Other popular master bedroom ideas are built-in vanity tables and walk-in closet space. Closet space can be tight in a home full of kids. Additional closets are always a plus no matter what size it is. This makes the master bedroom not only bigger but also more functional. Any additions made to a master bedroom not only make it a refuge for Mom and Dad but will also add to the home’s sale price.

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